
strategy pattern中文是什么意思

  • 策略模式



  • 例句与用法
  • Logistics strategy patterns of northeast equipment manufacturing industry
  • Discourse upon iran ' s important status in world strategy pattern during new days
  • The strategy pattern : it defines a family of algorisithms , encapsulates each one and , makes them interchangable
  • Supplying chain management strategy pattern is an analysing structure in which a company makes and implements supplying chain management strategies
  • The design of this online reading program , which features 15 strategy buttons , echoed reading strategy patterns found in l2 reading literature
  • First of all , the thesis briefly reviews the various developing strategies patterns employed by chongte co . in recent years , laying foundation for further analysis of the company ' s developing strategies
  • The study of the repeated prisoners " dilemma between us and north korea and their individual strategy pattern will provide us with important information on the peace - making between the two
  • My plan is to instead implement the code generation using a strategy pattern , where the same sorts of operations will be translated differently depending on whether the source code or bytecode strategy is used
  • It is not only connected with the existence of nato in the new state , but also with the rebuilding and construction of european strategy pattern after the cold war , which is influencing european countries and even the international society
  • An enterprise " investment activity needs to choose scientific strategy pattern and various " going out " models suitable for ourselves according to those comprehensive factors such as the investment risk and cost of a host country , the domestic industry development etc . as an enterprise in the developing country , we have a great difference from the developed countries and the multi - national companies both in the eye of its force and experience
    一是经济全球化迅猛发展,中国企业应如何应对其机遇和挑战。据统计, 2001年全球大约有跨国公司6 . 5万家,它们拥有约85万家国外分支机构,其产值已占世界总产值的1 3以上,其内部和相互间的贸易已占世界贸易额的60以上,对外直接投资占全球跨国直接投资的90左右。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
In computer programming, the strategy pattern (also known as the policy pattern) is a software design pattern, whereby an algorithm's behaviour can be selected at runtime. Formally speaking, the strategy pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable.
  • 其他语种释义
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